As you go

Is true discipleship a thing of the past? What did Jesus mean when he called us to go and make disciples? If you grew up in the church, you’ve heard it a million times. The verse goes like this:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

If you’re anything like me, well-known Scripture has become somewhat dull, boring and unimaginative. Maybe I’ve heard a Sunday school teacher talk about it a few too many times? Maybe I’ve drifted away from the basic lessons of my faith? Maybe I’ve become a little too cynical and sarcastic, creating a thick barrier around my heart making the simple truth of God’s Word unable to penetrate it.

Maybe it’s that last one.

You see, making disciples is a daunting concept. To build a relationship with someone who may not know Jesus and share Him with them? That’s scary. There’s a possibility of rejection, embarrassment or worse… failure. So, if you’re like me, you put on a mask of power and pretend like you’re above everything. People are a waste of your time and keep you from doing other things that you need to be doing.

I get it.

However, the thing I’ve noticed is that when I truly give people my time and energy, I’m revived and full of joy. When I let down my guard and listen to their stories and allow myself to empathize with their struggles, that’s when I feel God with me. Like part of the second verse says, “and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

You see, true discipleship has the power to break your heart. To feel someone else’s pain in such a raw and authentic way. Allow it to weigh heavily on your heart and soul. Put aside your own comfort and wade into the knee-deep waters of someone else’s sorrow. Meet them there. It is then that you will feel the presence of God.

Notice the word I bolded in the first verse? Go. Go and make disciples. Stop questioning how God will use you, if God will use you or when God will use you. The word go doesn’t demand details…

it simply requires obedience.

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